Needing a bit of fresh air and a beautiful view?I always find that the perfect way to do this is to grab a hiking backpack and spend some time outdoors. It just gives us that extra boost we need for the week and allows us to have that well needed relaxing time we all deserve.
Taking a hiking backpack for a day up a mountain or trail walk is very important to keep everything you might need for your hike. Often hikers and trail runners set off on long routes and by the end of the day wished they packed some warmer clothes or brought a spare bottle of water for their outing. Be prepared for your hike and take a hiking rucksack with you!
At brand innovation we have plenty of hiking backpacks that could be perfect for both quick and easy hikes that don’t take much time or hikes that are a bit longer and more strenuous. For short hikes and walks we sugggest a small and easy bag to be able to pop in a juice and a snack for the way. Our favorite at the moment is the Cassidy Shoulder Bag. It small enough to fit in exactly what you need.
The Cassidy Shoulder bag
- great size to fit in the essentails
- light and easy to carry around
- comfortable
- Convenient
Don’t enjoy hiking or trail running alone?
Doing things with groups of friends outdoors in a relaxed environment such as a hike is also a great way to unwind! Find yourself a friend who loves doing outdoorsy things and will encourage you and others to get together to see some beautiful places! Its also a great way to make memories and keep fit at the same time!
A great backpack for fitting in everything you need for your outing including snacks, something to keep hydrated, a bottle of sunblock and a hiking cap is the
Cobalt Backpack
- Good size for carrying snacks and a blanket
- Comfortable
- Cool Colour
- Includes water bottle holder
This bag is great for longer hikes and is the perfect item to take to fit in some picnic goodies!
If you feel like you need to get outdoors and de stress, contact us at info@brandinnovation for a variety of hiking bags to help you get on your way!